Once you have access to Elacrai, you can participate in the tournaments held the first 4 days every month.While you should kill all the bandits present in the hideout, it is possible to loot the chest at any time - therefore looting it as soon as possible reduces the risk of losing the Qualis gem should you be knocked out. To get this gem you must look for a chest just beside the entrance to the cavern. It is possible to hear about more than one hideout, but only one at a time and only the first will have a gem.

The map may be offered to you when asking rumors in Taverns to Travelers. One can be found at the Red Brotherhood hideout you can find purchasing the map that locates the hideout, the map costs 200 denars.Regardless of whether an NPC has told you about the hidden chest, it will be there. One can be found in the hidden chest in Rane.There are five ways to obtain Qualis Gems: The model of 3.8 is the actual one, and its also the favicon of the wikia!